Rules of group "Grupa dla fotografów komunikacji miejskiej i nie tylko"

1) Adding photos
1.1. Every group member can add photos (except for people involved a prohibition described in subsection 5.2e)
1.2. You can add up to 4 photos per day. The photo limit is increased for everyone who reach 400, 700 and 1000 points.
1.3. Every photos has to have these informations in the description:
a) vehicle manufacturer
b) vehicle model
c) location of a photo
d) number of a photo
1.4. You don't need to add the photo number, if you only add 1 photo in the day

2) Photo marking
2.1. Every group member can mark photos (except for people involved a prohibition described in 5.2e or 5.2i)
2.2. Every photo can have 2 administrator marks and unlimited number of other members' marks, that can mark (unless the foto is not to be marked)
2.3. The final mark is put out by headadmin, if the minimum 6 hours since the photo was added expired and there is minimum one mark. The final mark consists of administrators' marks and an average of other group members' marks, so it can consists of max. 3 grades. They are wtitten into the scoreboard.
2.4 Photos are graded in a 0-10 scale
2.5 After the final mark, other added marks are not counted
2.6 Photos that are not accordant with the rules or qualified as "Do not mark" do not get ending marks.
2.7 Administrators do not answer for group members' marks
2.8 Administrators can invalidate marks:
a) which are not natural numbers (0-10) or halfs (eg. 2,5 5,5 7,5)
b) too low
c) too high
d) ambiguous (eg. I'll give 7,5... or maybe 7)
2.9 Modification of marks is allowed until the final mark is put out. The grade after the change is counted. The number of changes is infinite

3) The scoreboard of photos' marks is run by headadmin and updated sometimes.

4) Which photos are avalible?
4.1. On the group are avalible photos:
a) buses - this include city buses, local buses, coaches, private minibuses, etc.
b) trams - this include normal trams, cargo trams, tram-trains, etc.
c) underground
d) trains
e) vehicles that have a relation with public transport (eg. technical vehicle)
4.2. Only your photos or unpublished on the group other people photos, with a marked in the photo's description permission form the author, are allowed on group
4.3. If anyone want to add photo that break the rules or a bad quality one, but for some reason worth adding, should write in the photos' desription "Please do not mark"
4.4. Interior photos are allowed, but cannot be graded
4.5. Only photos added singly in one pot can be marked. Photos added in comments, photos at the group background, photos in albums (more than one photo in one post) cannot be graded
4.6. Deleting a photo is possible until the final mark is put out

5) "Punishments"
5.1. Members get warnings. 5 warnings equal throw a member out
5.2. Warnings and bans
a) for the foto that does show only part of the vehicle or there is no vehicle on it: warning
b) for commonly swearing: warning
c) for adding photos over the limit: warning
d) for adding the photo that was on the group already or replacing the photos without deleting an older one: warning
e) adding bad photos commonly:
- for the first time - the limit is not increased until the member gets 1000 points (at this point it automaticly increases to 10)
- for the second time - the limit is lowered to 2 photos each day
- for the third time - the member cannot add or mark photos
f) insulting the group member: 2 warnings
g) publishing spam on group (eg. posts added by apps): immediate ban
h) uncompletion of needed informations, or uncorrection them despite of prewarn (if the photo can be graded): warning
i) if the admins decide, that somebody's marks are too frequently invalidated, firstly the person gets warned, secondly it gets a photo marking ban
j) adding banned people to group: warning
k) adding somebody else's photos without an agreement and/or marking that in the description: warning
5.3. Photos that break 5.2a,c,d,k subsections cannot be graded. Warnings for breaking those subsections are added, if the author does not delete the photo until the next day
5.4. Warning for subsection 5.2h is added with the final mark
5.5. Admin can add warning, if he considers some behaviour, undefined in rulebook, as wrong
5.6. For a group member request, administrators can decide to ban a person that didn't get to 5 warnings yet

6) Every reports are taken by administrators (for a list of admins - click here).

7) Advertising a Facebook page or group is allowed. Before that you need to consult with administrator, but only for content on Facebook.

8) On the group we talk in polish, or in case of foreigners - english.
Regulamin w wersji polskiej